Reflections on Problems Encountered

At the commencement of the project we were advised by a sound recording ‘expert’ in the village to use a Mini-disc recording system. Whilst these produce excellent recording quality, they have been hard to use and there have been one or two instances of interviews being lost or of poor quality. Also the technology was relatively new, and problems were encountered when it came to obtaining foot pedals and making transcriptions.

Other difficulties were presented owing to the fact that we were reliant on volunteers with computer expertise, or the willingness to gain it. Their work was voluntary, and needed to fit in with other aspects of their lives. In addition their circumstances changed so they were forced to resign, and this caused additional delays and stress. Fortunately new people were found by advertising in the village newsletter, but these kind of problems are inevitable in a project of this type. We will need to consider ways to avoid this in Stage 2 of the project, perhaps through formally employing experts instead.

The above delays and difficulties caused other members of the team to become impatient and upset, particularly when it affected their arrangements with the interviewees. However, through patience and good will all these problems were overcome, and the final results have been worth it.

From an administrative point of view, the LHI financial systems were overly complicated, and hard to follow, and this caused us considerable anxiety, not being financial experts! I am very glad that the current LHI grants have a much simpler system.

Lastly I cannot emphasise enough the enormous contribution made by our LHI Administrator, Jean Rider, whose unfailing patience, understanding and encouragement has helped me/us through the difficult patches. The LHI Advisers were also very helpful, but unfortunately there were four of them during the course of the project, and consequently there were considerable periods of time when we had no adviser at all. At these times, Jean Rider’s support and expertise was particularly appreciated.

Clare Pollak
Secretary, Sulgrave History Society
May 2005